1.      What is the Dynamics of Recovery?

It is the internal process that happens when you have an ‘aha’ moment through listening to your intuition and innate intelligence which sets you into a new direction on your journey of life. Once you connect to your authentic self and shift your perception, it is almost impossible to go back to your old habits.

2.      Is the Dynamics of Recovery only for addicts?

Not at all. It is for anyone who has been traumatized in life and has a desire to heal wounds and to break any unwanted habits arising from them.

3.      What is the best way to experience and learn more about the Dynamics of Recovery? The most ideal modality is to buy the book and then take either our webinar or seminar to deepen your understanding while facilitating your transformation. Since there is more intelligence within a group than an individual, groups become a very powerful process for growth.

4.      When will seminars be available again?

Because your safety is important to us, we will resume in-person seminars once the pandemic is eradicated. We will be offering webinars and individual coaching sessions until that time.

5.      Why is the book titled, The Journey Within?

In order to create the dynamic of recovery, you must go within and investigate yourself to uncover what is interfering with living your best life. All the answers lie within you and we give you the tools to assist you to safely get to your truth.

6.      What does being authentic really mean?

Being able to effortlessly align your thoughts, words, and actions. Being able to express unapologetically your true thoughts, feelings and views. Not saying things that you don’t truly mean. Not doing things that you don’t really want to do. Not being afraid to share your gifts with the world. In addition, when you are not reacting from wounds or being triggered by them and instead live your truth. When you can take responsibility for your actions and tell the truth. And lastly, when you can accept with love your shortcomings and faults.